
Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, wearing a tetla t-shirt and holding up a tetla to show his support for the tetla project. (The poster on the wall behind him is not related to the Tetla Project.)
Neelu Grewal, owner, Turmeric Indian Cuisine
The customers at our restaurant can pay 100% with tetlas. This has brought us four or five hundred dollars worth of additional sales per month. All of it from new customers. We easily spend all of our tetlas on business expenses.
Economic Development Endorsement:
“On average, shopping at a non-locally owned business keeps only about $43 out of every $100 circulating in the local economy. Spending that $100 at a locally owned business can keep upwards of $73 in the local economy. This highlights the significance of supporting local entrepreneurs, innovators, and suppliers. Many communities take this to another level by creating local forms of currency. These currencies circulate locally and keep circulating inside the local economy without leaking out like regular money does. Regular money is still needed to buy things not produced locally, but innovative currency initiatives―like the Tetla Tsetsuwatil―should be encouraged, especially as the world adjusts to the post-Great Recession era.”
Dallas Gislason
Economic Development Officer
Greater Victoria Development Agency