Where Can I Spend Tetlas?
Here's the list of individuals and businesses that accept tetlas. It is divided up by geographic area. At the bottom are ads for specific items similar to "classified" ads.
(Note. This list was updated on April 25th, 2023. If anyone on this list has stopped allowing payment with tetlas or doesn't remember agreeing to be on this list, please notify the tetla organization.)
Cowichan Tribes & Cowichan Valley:
Community Farm Store
Grocery store that offers local, organic and non-GMO food.
We make planet-friendly shopping easy! No GMO's, no toxins, no factory farming! Staffed by over 50 tree-hugging, planet-loving, community building, organic food enthusiasts. We only sell to our customers what we would feed to our own families.
Our motto is to put people and planet before profit and power; community before corporations; health before wealth; ecology before economy. As a small community-owned business, we hope to model a new paradigm for business. Our purpose here at the store is to provide a place where people can come to learn new ways to eat, improve digestion, strengthen their immune systems, increase resilience, experience a sense of community and make purchasing choices that do not harm themselves or the planet. The Community Farm Store is a place to meet and a place to be met. Established in 1993.
Monday- Saturday 9am-6pm
Closed Sunday
#2, 5380 Trans Canada Hwy. Duncan, BC V9L 6W4
Phone: 250-748-6227
Fax: 250-748-6292
Email: admin@communityfarmstore.ca
​100% can be paid in tetlas.
CFS Cafe
Cafe inside the Community Farm Store. Menu available online at the link below.
#2, 5380 Trans Canada Hwy. Duncan, BC V9L 6W4
Phone: 250-748-6227
Email: admin@communityfarmstore.ca
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Bill Plumb Construction
Constuction Company (General Contractor). All facets of construction.
2155 McKean Road, Shawnigan Lake, BC V0R 2W1
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Architectural Sheet Metal Fab
Mike Lilly. Architectural sheet metal fab
gutters, flashing, downpipes.
100% Tetlas accepted
Spa'al Tthukwtthukwul' Tsetsuwatil
(Raven Power Company)
Pay Hydro Bills With Tetlas!
You pay us tetlas; we arrange for it to count towards your BC Hydro bill.
We do charge a little higher price for electricity than BC Hydro. For example, their Step 2 residential rate is 14.22 cents per kilowatt hour. Our rate for the same service is 16 cents per kilowatt hour.
The reason for this is that until we have enough customers to make it worthwhile, we don't want to buy and install the equipment to generate power. Right now, we're just testing the concept of tetlas for electricity by buying electricity from BC Hydro and reselling it. If there is enough interest, we have assurances from BC Hydro that we can install power generation equipment and effectively transmit that power over their distribution network to any BC Hydro customer. Surprisingly, it's more of an accounting issue than a technical issue.
We've tailor made our system to fit the policies and procedures of BC Hydro so that this will work. Now we need to see what's more important to people, getting the lowest possible price, or being able to pay in tetlas so you don't have to pay BC Hydro any regular money at all.
The amount of available electricity is limited at this time.
email: Douglas.Champion@protonmail.com
100% can be paid in tetlas
Red Seal Mechanic
Heavy duty, light duty, automotive, power generation, electrical. Specialize in alternative fuel systems. SVO, WVO, used fryer oil fuel systems. Generators.
250-815-5211 text
100% tetlas accepted
Quamichan Intertribal Trades
Call Della Sylvester 250-709-2366.
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Darin George Winter sport fishing adventure on Cowichan River
with river guide 250-715-0244 or daringeorge@ymail.com
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Muriel Peter
Will teach how to make cedar roses, traditional headbands and/or dreamcatchers for 100 tetlas per session. 250-510-4869
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Joe "Bingo" Thorne
Live performance singing and dancing. Pow-wow master. Lectures on the history and culture of pow-wow. All of this for 100 tetlas per hour. Call 778-440-1102.
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Herbwise Farm
Family farm in the Cowichan Valley growing organic fruits, nuts, herbs and veggies. Wyld harvest of local forest foods and medicines. Makers of wyld teas, tinctures and salves.
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Shanti Chai & Co.
We are a family owned and operated business based in the Cowichan Valley offering hand-crafted and all organic chai, teas and herbal blends. We offer free local delivery.
Shanti Chai & Co. Inc. P.O. Box 2340 STN Main Ladysmith, BC V9G 1B8
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Enliven Healing
Energy healing, trama release, remove stuck emotional and thought patterns, heal relationship issues...
4440 Cowichan Lake Road, Duncan BC V9L 6J7
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Denise McLean: Holistic Health Coach
Medical medium based health coach: certified lifeline practitioner, reiki master.
#37-3195 Herons Way Duncan BC V9L 0H8
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Turmeric Indian Cuisine
We are a family-owned and operated authentic Indian restaurant. Our casual atmosphere is met with a culinary experience that will certainly have you coming back for more. Dine with us, or call us today to place your take-out or delivery order. We also provide catering services to all of Victoria!
#103-777 Goldstream Avenue, Langford BC
100% can be paid in tetlas.
PJ Music Studios
(provides music lessons for tetlas and will also sell musical instruments for tetlas.) www.pjmusicstudios.com
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Lallicare Pharmacy
1139 Yates St - Victoria
TOLL FREE: 1-866-261-4165 - PHONE: 250-386-5100
10% of non-prescription items may be paid in tetlas (Sometimes less than 10% due to rounding)
Helpful Cleaners
Residential, Commercial and post-construction cleanup.
We can clean your house regularly or just one time.
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Business and Family Coach
Tamara de Hernandez. My skills are conflict resolution, mediation and family coaching. I use art, music and drama to help my community to connect more foundationally with themselves and each other. Conflict is potentially a doorway to more dynamic and connected families and communities. I offer and opportunity to do this over a series of facilitated conversations.
My energy is limited and I am not able to take on every situation. I offer a 45 minute introductory conversation free of charge and if we decide to continue, the exchange of giftings will be negotiated.
text 250-588-6138
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Linux computer operating system installation and help. Linux is a free alternative to Windows and Apple operating systems.
Jonathan Francouer
tel: (778) 817-0237
20 tetlas/hour
100% can be paid in tetlas
Enigmatic Events
Enigmatic Events produces game-orientated, interactive events. This includes murder mysteries, scavengers hunts and other team building activities. We also offer short sessions for small business teams to work out their goals, values and next actions.
Chris Rudram
Up to the first $200 can be paid in Tetla.
Bitcoin for Tetlas
Coast Salish Sovereign Wealth Fund will pay $100 worth of bitcoin (at current prices) for 1,000 tetlas.
Contact: Meaghan Walker
Acting Coach and Directing Coach
John Swindells
Usually charges $85 Canadian an hour...
Former Coach to Neve Campbell
email tiddlypum@gmail.com for inquiries
John does not do email and does not own a cell phone.
Will Work for TETLA -- Price to be negotiated with Mr. Swindells in person.
% in tetlas is negotiable.
Lisa Jeremic
250-999-7800 queenlisa70@hotmail.com. Pet sitting. Cat grooming. Dog walking. Will play with, cuddle and love your pets while you are away. 11 tetlas per hour.
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Purposeful Plants
Custom Growing and Installation of Perennial Food Forest. Medicinal and Ancient Food Seed and Plant Starts available by trade or for tetla.
Holly Hobson 778-676-9313 or hobbeegardens@gmail.com. Not a retail outlet. I focus on being of service to community and school gardens. Seasonally, I'd like to make plants available for fundraisers.
Some may be paid in tetlas, percentage negotiable.
Deep Roots Organic Garden Services
Our focus is organic lawn & garden maintenance and food and medicine garden installation. We also do one-time clean ups, soil and compost management, hedge trimming, fruit tree pruning and more. Please check out our Facebook page for more info.
Contact Kelly and Jana at 250-886-1464 or kfklass@telus.net
0% - 100% can be paid in tetlas, depending on the work.
Synergia Counseling
Sarah Flynn, Registered Clinical Counselor. Masters level counseling services. Sliding scale up to $110/hr. Assistance with depression, anxiety, process and substance abuse, transitions, trauma, etc. specializing in attachment (bonding) issues. Office in Fernwood above the Fernwood Community Association 250-885-3158
50% can be paid in tetlas.
Jessy Ana Spanish Lessons
jessymin@yahoo.ca Espanol por actividades y frases. Spanish lessons for beginners. I have activities to learn words in their context and to explain grammar rules. Que hagalo! I have taught several workshops over the last seven years to adults and children, and I think it works well because I learned Spanish as an adult so I know what it's like to be a beginner. 10 Tetlas per hour. (A one hour lesson is suggested/adequate for as many times as you want. I will give you materials which you can keep.)
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Ray McGuire
emotional/spiritual/mental health counseling cell 250-714-6092. raycedar@telus.net
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Guardian Consultants
James Cunningham AScT Civil Engineering Technologist www.jamescunninghamhomes.com Permaculture Construction Design 250.532.0453 Project Management Maintenance and Repairs.
100% may be paid in tetlas
Bryce Gilroy-Scott
Healthy Home Refurbishment Design. Also Renewable energy systems design: solar, wind, hydro, biomass.
250-598-5651. Bryce@appropriate-economics.org
100% can be paid in tetlas
James Cunningham 250.532.0453
Not everyone has the time to find a reliable person for their valuable property while they take an extended vacation, leave of absence or care for a loved one. Let us take that worry out of your hands with our reliable house-sitting service.
100% can be paid in tetlas
Public Relations Consulting
Meaghan Walker-Williams. Call 250-380-7885.
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Powell River:
The Magical Dome
Vacation accommodations near Powell River, BC.
Roisin Sheehy-Culhane and Phil Russell
P.O. Box 190 Lund, B.C. V0N 2G0
Phone: 604-483-9160
Email: lundmagicaldome@gmail.com
10% can be paid in Tetlas.
The Great Darkening: The True Story of Canada's "War" of extermination on the Pacific.
plus The Tsilhqot'in and other First Nations Resistance. We now take Tetlas. Mail your Tetlas to: The Great Darkening, #81-16318 - 82nd ave., Surrey, B.C. V4N 0N9. $35.00 for "Canada's 'War' of Extermination" and $15.00, plus shipping. But, in the spirit of this as an indigenous project, we won't charge the GST. Tom Swanky 778-998-0604
[Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, itunes, www.shawnswanky.com and www.lulu.com]
100% can be paid in tetlas.

T2 T3
Beadwork Hummingbird Necklaces
3D handmade beaded hummingbirds! The artist is Meaghie Champion, a Somena of Cowichan Tribes member... They take about 8 hours each to make. Hummingbirds represent intense loyalty and industry to Coast Salish people... They are fiercly loyal and protective of their mates and territory. Contact Charles Champion 778-440-1102 Contact champion67@yahoo.com 300 tetlas each. Payment must be made in tetlas, not regular money.
Only one is for sale. Either one you want, but I'm keeping one because it's the last one. Meaghie doesn't make them anymore and sold all of hers.
100% can be paid in tetlas.
Stand up Paddle Board Rental
50 Tetla per day or 30 Tetla/hour - Includes carrier to transport which will fit on any car. You pick up, or we will drop off for a 15 Tetla fee each way. Rental incudes adjustable paddle and adult medium size life jacket.
Meaghie Champion tiddlypum@gmail.com.
100% can be paid in tetlas.

Bracelet. Hand woven from cedar bark with added beadwork.
80 tetlas. Contact champion67@yahoo.com
100% can be paid in tetlas.

Bracelet. Hand woven from cedar bark.
40 tetlas. Contact champion67@yahoo.com
100% can be paid in tetlas.

Bracelet. Hand woven from cedar bark.
70 tetlas. Contact champion67@yahoo.com
100% can be paid in tetlas.

Hand woven cedar bark hat, see below.

Hand woven cedar bark hat, see below.

Hand woven cedar bark hat with cedar bark head band inside for better fit.
500 tetlas. Contact champion67@yahoo.com
100% can be paid in tetlas.