How Can I Get Tetlas?
There are a lot of ways to get tetlas. Here are a few:
Buy Tetlas
Buy tetlas from someone who already has them. The Tetla organization does not sell Tetlas for money, but other people do. Look for them in our directory. You can find the directory by clicking on the place that says "Where can I spend tetlas?" If you don't find anyone there, you can contact us to ask if we know of anyone who is selling tetlas. At the time this is being written, "It's Only Natural" (i.O.N.) clothing store in downtown Victoria is selling tetlas. They are located at 1312 Government Street.
Offer Something for Sale
Offer something for sale in exchange for tetlas. If you run a business or are self-employed, this can be whatever products or services you normally sell. Just contact us to be added to the website so people looking for ways to spend their tetlas can find you. You may also be able to issue gift certificates for your business and trade them to us for tetlas right away.
Trade Native Handicrafts for tetlas
If you make or own native handicraft items such as hand-woven sweaters, wood carvings, beadwork or traditional hats made from cedar bark, you can probably trade those to the Tetla organization for tetlas. Check the "contact us" tab on the left for how to contact us.
Offer a discount
We recommend that you allow customers to pay the full purchase price of your products or services in Tetlas, but that's not the only way to do it. You can also allow only part of the purchase price to be paid in tetlas. That's basically the same as offering a discount except that you get tetlas for the amount of the discount and if you find a useful way to spend them, you recoup the entire amount of the discount.
Sell your stuff or maybe teach a skill
If you don't have a business, you can offer something for sale anyway such as an old computer, a used car, musical instruments, sports equipment, whatever you think people might want to buy. These can be listed on this website as well. You can also offer to teach people some skill you have or to provide some service.
Work for Tetlas
Tetlas can be given to workers as a bonus or as part of their pay. If you are interested in getting a job where some or all of the pay is in tetlas, please send email to info@tetla.org mentioning this with the subject heading "Will Work For Tetlas". Feel free to attach a resume. Obviously, if you already have a job, you wouldn't want to have some of your pay replaced by Tetlas. On the other hand, if you don't have a job, getting one that pays partly in tetlas and partly in regular money is a lot better than not having a job at all
Trade in your gift certificates
If you have any gift certificates, these can usually be traded to us for tetlas, though not always at full face value. It depends on who issued them and how many of that kind we already have. This can include gift certificates issued by a business you own.
Trade in your Canadian Tire money
If you have Canadian Tire money, you can give it to us in exchange for tetlas.
Trade in your Sports Trader bucks
If you have "sports trader bucks" issued by the Sports Trader store, these can be given to us in exchange for tetlas. If you have used sports equipment, you may be able to trade that to Sports Trader for "sports trader bucks" and then trade these to us for tetlas.